Aug 29, 2017
Join Polly as she educates us on how the male and female brains differ when it comes to shopping. What is 'relationship buying' and which gender is more interested in this shopping concept? Tune in to find out!
Aug 22, 2017
Join us as Polly talks about how credit card debt can negatively impact your health. She'll provide tips and resources on how to remove some of that stress from your life so that you can not only survive, but thrive!
Aug 15, 2017
Picking up from last week's personal money management philosophy, Polly talks about how important it is work with roommates, and partners on money matters. She covers travel, budgeting, spending limits and how to better understand how you and your partner may view important aspects of your life differently.
Aug 8, 2017
Listen in as Polly shares how she personally manages her finances. She shares stories of how she's hidden her shopping from her husband, who may also be hiding something from her! Tune in as she teaches you how to be credit savvy and talks about why discussing your finances with your partner is so critical.
Aug 1, 2017
When you think of big brother watching you shop, you generally think of security cameras in the stores. But did you know you're being watched when you shop online? On today's show we'll expose some of the ways you are tracked as you shop, and identify how you can lessen your electronic breadcrumb trail.