Dec 22, 2020
Join Polly B and Her special Guest Niel Guilarte as they share tips of how to make sure your dollars go to the charity of your choice. Learn as Niel tells about software and apps that will help you qualify charities and make sure your money is being used as you intended.
Dec 8, 2020
Listen in as Polly and Laura walk through some great tips to make sure you stay credit savvy during the 2020 Holiday Season. They’ll share their thoughts about shopping online, making sure you budget for things you might not think of and share a bit about their own plans for this holiday season.
Nov 17, 2020
In these uncertain financial times its important to be frugal and protect your wallet. Join Polly B as she shares proven trips that allow you to shop wisely during Holiday 2020.
Nov 3, 2020
Join Guest Jerick Johnston and Polly B as they talk about the impact of businesses accepting plastic only.
Oct 20, 2020
Join Polly and Dawn Siebold, Certified Financial Educator and Master Trainer of How Money Works as they discuss how important it is for women to be better educated in the arena of money.